Embark on Your Journey:Find a Mentor & Grow with Peers

About me

Associate Professor at North Carolina State University. I am very passionate about teaching and mentoring.

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Personal Sessions

Generic Session

1 hour


CV Review

30 minutes


Mock Interview

30 minutes


Career Advice

30 minutes


Job Search Strategy

30 minutes


Salary Negotiation

30 minutes



Path to a successful academic career
Research skillstime managementacademic writing proficiency
Research skillstime managementacademic writing proficiencypresentation skillscritical thinking
The Path to a Successful Academic Career course navigates the intricacies of academia, providing students insights into research, publishing, grant-writing, teaching, and professional networking. It aims to equip aspiring academicians with effective tools to thrive.
Basics of Algorithms and Data structure
Basics of Algorithms and Data structure
Problem SolvingCritical ThinkingProgramming Skills
Problem SolvingCritical ThinkingProgramming SkillsData OrganizationTime Complexity Analysis
Basics of Algorithms and Data Structures is a foundational course designed to introduce key computing concepts. Students learn how to design, analyze, and implement algorithms and data structures. They gain problem-solving skills essential to programming and software development.

Mentor Skills and Expertise

  • Algorithms
  • Data Structure
  • Academia
  • Software
  • Computer Science

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