Embark on Your Journey:Find a Mentor & Grow with Peers

About me

Hi, I'm Kaylyn. I am a feminine mentor, somatic practitioner, and embodiment facilitator. I facilitate 1:1 and group containers that offer high-level guidance and healing. I truly believe in holding pleasure-led containers that are also trauma-informed.

Together we create massive shifts and transformation with paradigm-shifting tools, where spirituality meets practicality. My main focus is embodiment and integration. I help my clients step out of a paradigm of constant hustle, control, burnout and SAMENESS….. to begin living a life in flow and from their authentic essence. 

You are most likely here because you feel this nagging that there is more but are not quite sure what that "more" is or what's stopping you. Welcome to void... Here we begin diving deep to release the false layers of self, identity, trauma, and conditioning, to dissolve any resistance that keeps you from being all of you and living a life of true liberation and fulfillment. One that truly is spirit-led and aligns with your highest power, potential, and pleasure. 

 I look forward to connecting with you, let’s explore possibilities

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Mentor Skills and Expertise

  • Somatic and Trauma
  • Embodiment
  • Nlp
  • Subconscious Reprogramming
  • Energy Healing
  • Shadow Work
  • Feminine Arts and Energetics

Embark on Your Journey:Find a Mentor & Grow with Peers

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Unlock Your Potential with Expert Mentorship Sessions